
Inspire change at your next event

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Inspire change at your next event

Would you like to enhance your meeting or event with a keynote or do you need more information?

Become part of Loren’s network

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Become part of Loren’s network

Follow Loren Roosendaal on social media

Official biography

Official Photos

Loren Roosendaal’s Speaker Bio is available in pdf format.

You can download it here.

Official biography

Loren Roosendaal’s Speaker Bio is available in pdf format.

You can download it here.

Official Photos

Book Loren for Your Next Event

Loren is passionate about technology, learning, and using his knowledge and experience to help companies reach their full potential in today’s business climate. Invite Loren to keynote at your next event using the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Book Loren for Your Next Event

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